Las Vegas
AdLarem Las Vegas seeks to invest primarily in distressed single-family real estate with high income-generating returns that it believes will outperform the overall real estate market in Las Vegas and nationwide.
AdLarem Las Vegas typically seeks investments that fall into the following four categories:
1. Rental Rates
Investments in properties in which the AdLarem team identifies a significant opportunity to exceed nationwide rental yields and has the ability to maintain or exceed current rental rates.
2. Construction Cost
Investments in properties where the AdLarem team identifies properties that are selling well below what it would normally cost to build a similar home, and has an embedded margin of safety for investors for when the real estate market recovers.
3. Occupancy Rates
Investments where the AdLarem team finds properties that can maintain low vacancy and high demand.
4. Below Current Market Value
Investments where the AdLarem team identifies homes that are being offered below open market prices. In such cases, AdLarem actively engages in purchasing properties for lower than resale value in order to immediately unlock value.